Blog Take Action | DannySentMe Professional Business Training in Lehi, Utah and Surrounding Areas

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Take Action & Situational Awareness

I was reminded by a colleague recently of an anniversary for a life experience that:
I'll never forget
Changed my life forever
It's my anniversary of real-life Situational Awareness. Do you know what it is? Before September 3, 2015, I really didn't know what it was either.

I almost wish I could write in to Boys Life magazine and be featured in my favorite reading from when I was young about "True stories about Scouts in action."

I'd heard of situational awareness before, however until that day, I'd never truly experienced it in this way. Have you? Fortunately for me, the situation turned out well for me and the local PD, despite my complete lack of training or experience in a potentially harmful situation.

Sometimes you're going to find yourself right smack in the middle of a situation that you simply did not choose. Or maybe you did choose it, but it turned out to be different than promised.

It's my opportunity to make the most of every day and seeing every day as an education is one of the ways that I can choose to do so.

Please enjoy this FREE Training about my experience with Situational Awareness and let me know what your take away is...even if it is that I shouldn't have been there in the first place! LOL The PD does not recommend what I did, but did say they were grateful for my assistance.

When I called my wife on my way home that day, she kept asking over and over who was involved and helped take a guy down??? I couldn't believe who it was either.

You just can't make this stuff up!




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